What is the benefit of having a grinding lab on site?

Here at CDT, we have a technologically advanced research and development grinding lab. This gives us the opportunity to work with customers to develop grinding processes that are specific to their materials, equipment, and applications. Our setup is unique, in that we’ve added numerous extra sensors to capture data on every element of the grinding process, to replicate what’s happening in the customer’s actual facilities.

We have a twofold product commitment to the Grinding Lab. One, we can develop processes for the customer and their specific application. Two, we can internally develop advanced new products that solve issues for customers before they are even known.

CDT’s customer service commitment includes the lab as well, inviting customers to reach out to us, to use our grinding lab to solve their grinding problems. Benefits to CDT customers include:

  • Faster product development

  • Cost savings/reduced risk

  • Opportunities to innovate

  • Valuable data

  • Remote product testing

Read more about these benefits here or watch clips of the Grinding Lab in action, and hear more about it from Jeff Wirth, our Engineering Manager in this video: